![Affiche_Que_faire_cet_été_copie[1] Affiche_Que_faire_cet_été_copie[1]](https://ecogite-accueilvelo.fr/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Affiche_Que_faire_cet_été_copie1.jpg)
Families : what to do this summer ?
Wednesday 1st June 2016
3pm to 6pm
Centre social
1 rue Jean Giraudoux 36300 LE BLANC
Families, children, teenagers, come to the Centre social du Blanc to do your summer shopping : workshops and events, training and induction courses, outings...
The “ Maison de la nature “and the “maison de l'enfance” of the Park will present you their summer performances : The life of a pond turtle, a narrated walk, the toy library on holiday at the Maison du Parc... An exhaustive programme soon available... before being published for the summer in the Brenne !